Exercise : Measure muscle work with the Cycle Ergometer

In the field of sports medicine, The Cycle Ergometer is a fundamental tool for assessing athlete’s health and avoiding unpleasant accidents or finding themselves in unexpected circumstances.
In the following guide, we will see how to use the Cycle Ergometer to measure muscle work during exercise, so that the athlete’s state of health can be adequately assessed, especially if you are older, or you are suspected of cardiac risk.
Before the procedure is carried out, the medical examination will be requested and carried out: the visit begins with the collection of data, and the doctor then examines urine tests, assesses pulmonary abilities and finally ensures the physical integrity of the athlete. Once you have verified the results obtained and received a positive evaluation you will be able to move to the next step.
So the athlete is prepared for the stress test: chest and back electrodes apply, and a first electrocardiogram at rest is made. Once the physician has set the exercise series, the athlete can begin his test on the Cycle Ergometer.
The type and duration of exercises depend on the characteristics of the examinate, but in any case, there is a gradual increase in work, ie, the resistance to pedaling increases. Meanwhile, the doctor monitors the heart, keeping the pressure under control.
The test lasts about fifteen minutes, but this may vary according to the athlete’s characteristics and the sequence of exercises chosen by the physician. The goal remains unchanged: to reach a heartbeat near the theoretical maximum. This type of examination is largely used, as well as to detect some heart disease, also to establish the physical activity program to be performed by an athlete.
To better handle the test is preferable: do not eat in the hours immediately before the test is run (a small snack can be consumed only two hours before); Wear comfortable clothing, preferably a suit, and sports shoes to make the pedals more comfortable; Be presented with towels.
In addition to the Cycle Ergometer, there are other types of tests in the field of sports medicine, but in sports, it is one of the most important and significant in addition to being invasive and extremely reliable.