10 foods to maintain healthy skin

Everyone would like to have healthy skin and bright, even when the summer ends and we no longer have that beautiful tan that makes us look more beautiful and with a near-perfect skin.
To have beautiful skin we need to take care of us and her. The sun’s rays still penetrate even in the cold months, without exposing us to tan but only to the danger of premature aging. As you do in the winter season continue to have the light that were left by the long days of summer?
If you follow this guide, you will understand that we can come to the aid proper nutrition that will help keep our skin beautiful and glowing. Let’s see what foods are helpful to keep a youthful, healthy and radiant.
- Tomatoes, only when raw, are a valuable help to have a glowing skin. They have a high content of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from free radicals that are the main cause of the appearance of wrinkles, unsightly signic leave us time. In addition, the tomato is an ally to defend ourselves from ultraviolet rays, even when they are muted for the winter season. Generally, all fruits and vegetables that have red or yellow have a strong antioxidant action and help the production of collagen.
- Flax seeds are another useful food for the health of our skin. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and help the hydration of our skin, delaying the onset of wrinkles. Also they lower the level of triglycerides in our blood and strengthen our heart, making regular bowel function. You can chop and add to salads or add them to water and use them in place of eggs in your recipes vegan.
- Dark chocolate, the treaty cannot helps keep young and glowing skin because it contains many antioxidants, including the powerful flavonoids. Research has found that a cup of chocolate every day helps to keep the brain young.
- Sweet potatoes are full of vitamin C and beta-carotene, needed to delay the appearance of wrinkles, strengthening the skin’s collagen.
- Spinach is full of vitamin A and with the cabbage, are most useful for skin health. The researchers have shown that the consumption of spinach reduces the risk of tumors on the skin.
- Citrus fruits are among the foods most useful to keep the skin smooth and silky. They are also rich in flavonoids and Vitamin C, holding off wrinkles. Also they prevent cancer, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and are a remedy for headaches.
- Safflower oil is an oil of a particular type, useful for our skin. It can be used in cooking, for food or to moisturize or protect the skin.
- Walnuts are another food rich in the omega-3 and 6 with the function of keeping young skin, reduce cholesterol and strengthen the arteries, making them elastic. This gives radiance and firmness to the skin.
- Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, Vitamin A and antioxidants. They can be eaten as a low-calorie snack.
- Green tea, in tea, is rich in the powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and stress caused by pollution and poor nutrition.
Finally, in addition to food, to keep the skin glowing and healthy, it is important to change habits. It is advisable to sleep at least six hours per night: melatonin were authorized antioxidants.