10 reasons to become vegan

Nowadays, we are witnessing changes of thought, culture, attitude and even changes in food. In recent years a trend has exploded well justified to a certain level, one that prohibits the indiscriminate supply of anything that falls in the order animal.
Unlike vegetarian’s vegans not only they feed on animals but not their derivatives, for which all that is prepared using only milk or butter, is rejected by those who have made this trend, a lifestyle and a moral conviction. We see 10 reasons to become vegan.
- Respect for nature and the animal kingdom is one of the basic motivation for this choice and deep rooted that makes an individual a vegan. The animal world is respected in all its forms, both terrestrial and marine, and with it, everything that comes from the animal world: milk, eggs, butter, jellies etc. At the base of this in addition to respect for the animals. There is a profound conviction than any animal products, including milk harm the health of people.
- Another reason why you opt for the choice to become vegans is that concerning the health and physical condition: we are what we eat! Every vegan convinced, does not like to be that if you do not feed itself and of any animal species. Furthermore, it should be considered a third aspect, the high utilization of feed and harmful substances with which the animals are reared a good vegan will avoid poisoning feeding on what in turn is fed in an inadequate way. Attention in this case will be also paid to plant products and derivatives, are preferred those grown in a natural and organic without addition of harmful substances.
- The vegan diet saves time. They cook pasta made from spelled, rice, pasta and pasta salads that species in the summer can be prepared in large quantities and eaten for two or three days.
- Also, a good vegan knows that this power supply, in addition to benefit the health, it also helps the portfolio since, although organic foods have a cost less content than those produced in the traditional way, a daily consumption of meat, fish, sausages and cheese drives up the household budget devoted to food.
- Finally, we aim one eye still the scenic health: many of the diseases that afflict the world are due to organ damage that will come from poor nutrition: cholesterol, found in foods of animal origin, clogged arteries, and it stiffens Because of elevated heart attack, the use of meat fatigues kidney function, while those suffering from diabetes may benefit from a vegan diet, the same way cancer and Alzheimer’s appear to have a lower incidence in people who eat only vegetables and excluded from their diet proteins and animal fats. Although not everyone can move towards this kind of power, it should be recognized that substantial grounds to settle into the social and food, there are really a lot.