5 Benefits of the TRX

Surely the TRX is an object that is at the reach of everyone’s portfolios and, most importantly. It’s two handles attached to two reinforced cloth racks. It does not occupy any space at home or transport it. Another convenience is that you can carry it anywhere, hanging from a tree in the park below your house to the hotel you chose for your holidays. Let’s see what are the top 5 benefits.
It develops strength and balance
TRX is a tool that hangs on the ceiling or in any case to a higher boss of your body height; With it is not going to perform a weight training and not even an aerobic, so you cannot compare it to isotonic machines or to running machinery like the tapis-roulant or the bike. This tool harnesses the severity and weight of your body, which is why the strength, elasticity, and especially the balance and the muscles involved in this body develop very strongly.
Total body training
Training suspension is considered a ” total body training “, which is a training involving all the muscles of the body: arms, abdomen and legs are definitely workout with this tool, but most of all the stabilizing muscles and the core area (The latter are neglected in weight training and fitness groups).
It does not cause pain
The TRX is also a great tool for those who want to keep fit but suffer from stretching, back pain, and joint pain. Thanks to the fact that the joints remain in suspension, they do not suffer traumas on the rigid floor, and instead, the person who trains with it increases their conditional capacities, which can benefit the performance of the other sports disciplines.
Take advantage of the anatomic planes
The suspension training is also called ” multi-planar “, ie exercises that can be performed are permanently suspended and on the three anatomic planes: frontal, sagittal and horizontal. Exercises can be performed ” by air ” by inserting arms or legs into the handles, you can only stand on the ground with one or two feet or even with one or two hands.
Dynamic and postural training
The TRX is also able to give the training a great dynamism, more precisely the fact that these strings are hung and do not need a lot of weight or a variety of uncomfortable moves. They are very suitable for circuits and even at interval training.
Another benefit that can be gained is certainly from a postural point of view the abdominal and lumbar area, the main muscles that regulate and correct posture, benefit from it. As a degree of difficulty, you start from the simplest exercises that can also run a child, to the more complex calistines where you are advised to supervise a fitness expert.