Men tend to feel more virile with a triceps and muscular well-defined biceps, women feel more comfortable with a tonic arm that does not stretch when they say hello. One of the best ways to train your arms, both at home and out in the gym, is only with the use of TRX, a tool that allows us to use the full weight of our body. Let’s see the 5 best exercises.
Tricuspid thrust holders
The first exercise is the most ” simple ” in the sense that later we will see someone more quick and where the starting position will be more articulated to place. Step your feet slightly backwards with respect to the TRX level and grab hold handles; With arms stretched frontally, let yourself tilt forward with your bust in line with your legs and perfectly straight. At this point, keeping your elbows tight, go down your chest by flexing your arms until you touch your hands, and go back up.
Curl biceps
This exercise is the opposite of the previous one. This time you start with your feet slightly above the TRX line, and grab the handles with a supine grip; From this position, put your arms forward, leaving you with the rest of your body backwards. Now, with the body shrunk, fold your arms, always with your elbows closed, until you put your hands on your shoulders. Then stretch out the limbs and continue with the same movement to end the repetitions.
Extension of forearms
Get back with your feet back over the TRX, and grab the handles with grab hold. At this point, put your arms high above your head, leaving it always falling with your bust forward; This exercise at the beginning can be quite difficult, so fix it in front of a mirror. Now you just have to fold your forearms back, leaving your elbows tight and locked (this will tilt you down all over the body). Then go back to the starting position and continue the repetitions.
This time you start with your feet at the same level as your TRX, put your hands on your hands and advancing with your legs, pretend to sit on an invisible chair so that your arms are stretched with your legs folded. From this position, flex your arms, with your elbows always close to the trunk, and hold it down (your hands will have to stay as close as possible in the same spot for the duration of exercise).
Bent on the arms
In this last exercise, lower the TRX so that it almost reaches the ground (the higher will be, the more exercise will be intensified). Now, starting from a prominent position, place the foot of the foot on the tool handles and stretch your legs while remaining supported only by your hands (with your arms extended). Perform normal folds on your arms, descending to the maximum and returning up with a controlled climb.