There are many sports that allow you to maintain a correct position in all circumstances. In fact, sport ” educates ” the body to always maintain an ideal position. But what are the best sports to choose to improve our posture? In this article, we will discover 5 of undoubted effectiveness.
1. Swim
Swimming is often said to be the most ” complete ” sport. Although not the only case, it is certainly a sport that sets the whole body in motion. It is perfect for maintaining muscles and joints in training without excessive effort. The suspension on the water helps the body to avoid trauma. However, this does not deprive him of the right amount of effort. It is optimal for posture, and advisable for all ages.
2. Volleyball
In volleyball, posture and body balance play a fundamental role. It includes exercises and workouts that correct their positioning. It is a fun and intense team sport that young people should practice without reserve. It allows a work on the whole body, from the bottom to the upper part, especially the back.
3. Basketball
For reasons similar to volleyball, basketball is another great sport for posture. It is an activity to be recommended since the early years. In fact, children may suffer for a variety of reasons from a wrong posture. In particular, they are victims of paramorphism that affect above all the upper areas. Basketball optimizes the posture of these areas of the body.
4. Boating
Rowing is a sport with a long tradition in our country. Nevertheless, it does not enjoy the same popularity as other activities. But it is a really perfect sport to improve posture. It allows you to work intensively on your arms and back, whose functionality is crucial.
5. Fitness
Fitness is the ideal choice for those with both posture and overweight problems. Fitness allows you to move a lot, eliminating toxins through sweating. Includes many heating and postural correction exercises. It is the right choice for those who are a bit out of shape. Also in this case it is an excellent introduction to sport for children.