5 things to know before registering at the gym

Although we live in a historical context full of ” prête-à porter ” information that could facilitate the achievement of an enviable physical form, the web is so overloaded with tips and suggestions that it confuses and frustrates the average user, unable to establish what functions and what not.
There are many things to know and consider before enrolling in the gym and following a specific course; in this guide, we will list 5, those that we could define as fundamental. The aim will be to help the end user make a wise choice by limiting the risk of failure and dissatisfaction.
1. Choose the right gym
When choosing the gym to attend, you cannot select randomly. Many parameters must be evaluated such as subscription costs, the availability of personal trainers to interact with you, the distance from your home, the presence of additional services such as saunas and / or pools, the guarantee of training paths always updated, held by qualified experts. Choosing wrong is the biggest cause of abandonment and failure.
Take careful research before diving headlong into this new adventure, sift through the many proposals that seem best suited to your needs. As is clear, the best gyms have qualified staff, fixed classics courses (eg aerobics, spinning, postural correction, cardio activity) and innovative or mixed courses, with clear goals and kept by competent personnel.
2. Establish their goals
Those who think that they only enrolled in the gym to improve their physical appearance have never been so far from reality. There are those who do it to lose weight, who to improve posture, who to increase muscle mass, who to follow a particular course and who to counteract the effects of poor circulation resulting from sedentary work. No matter the reason why you invest in a gym membership. The important thing is to be aware of the goals you want to achieve. The awareness must be in line with the concrete reachability of the results.
3. Set a power supply appropriate to the selected activity
Nutrition plays a central role for those attending the gym. Each activity requires the right amount of nutrients that must be adequately introduced at each meal. For this reason, before enrolling in any training program, it is good to consult a nutritionist and set up a suitable food plan.
This, which may seem a trivial advice, is instead of fundamental importance: regardless of the efforts made on the exercise bike or on the kangoo jumps, if the diet is not adequate, you can frustrate the beneficial effects of the movement or you can still not reach the desired goals in the established times.
4. Keep in mind that the results come with time
Keep in mind that, depending on your needs and goals, the time needed to invest in the gym is not predictable. If you want to satisfy results, you must be patient: enrolling in June in the hope of showing off a breathtaking body the following month can be pure illusion. This means that you must not overload your body with unbalanced training plans, in the hope of totally distorting your body in a short time.
If work permits, it is advisable to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and follow courses that last from 60 to 90 minutes maximum. From this, we deduce that it is impossible to predict total expenditure to get back online or to increase muscle mass, but a basic program will not last less than 3 months.
5. Select an initial training plan
Entering a gym and approaching the tool room without knowing where to start will interpose between your desires and your goals. So as not to make mistakes, it is good to look for targeted training programs, which can be easily downloaded via the app on your smartphone or tablet. If, then you want to give the best, you can contact one of the many personal trainers who work in the gym of your choice, and he will set a program for you, your needs and your level.
This type of approach is of utmost importance for newbies and for all those who have not been physically active for a long time. In addition to combating the initial embarrassment, this practice aims to develop the right experience necessary to access professional training plans.