To learn more about the various exercises, in this guide you will find summaries 5 types of squat exercises ideal and diffused in almost all gyms exclusively to strengthen the buttocks.
Squat on one knee
The first, wondrous and easy to do squat exercise is to bend your knees. Stay right with your back and slowly bend one leg at a time going down. Alternate your legs and perform the exercise very slowly to get clear results in no time. Repeat the exercise for 60 times dividing it into 3 phases of 20 folds.
Squat with both legs
Another exercise to relieve the gluteus with the squat is to bend with both legs, with very slow and always carrying your arms up. Your arms will have to stay tight backwards for each bend and return next to your hips when you finish exercising. Repeat the exercise for 60 times dividing it into 3 phases of 20 folds.
Squat with small weights
Keeping your arms up to your shoulders and legs slightly spread, you can perform the same squat exercises initially with one-pound weights and with time to increase weight to get more obvious results on less soft and more shabby buttocks. It will always take some constancy for achieving clear results. Repeat the exercise for 40 times dividing it into 2 phases of 20 folds.
Squat with the stick
You can perform squats, even using a simple wooden stick, which will help you perform the exercise while keeping your back perfectly straight. Place your legs slightly spaced apart, straight back and bring the stick raising your arms to the height of your eyes. Make the folds on your knees slowly, keeping the stick always horizontal and straight in front of you.
Squat with the ball
You can be also squat with the gym ball used to do yoga or pilates, always bending with your arms forward and bent knees that hold the ball firm and stable. Keeping the ball balanced without moving it, it will make you perform even better, firming your buttocks and keeping your back straight.