How to lose weight by swimming

It is now common knowledge that swimming not only tones the most important parts of the body, but at the same time, if done regularly and with commitment and perseverance, helps to lose weight considerably, since the muscles are always in constant motion.
Who will decide to undertake this activity will only be beneficial to your body, since that swimming helps to coach both the lungs that the heart, aiming to significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes .
As such, this sport is very useful for firming and toning action: to ensure that swimming also becomes one slimming and slimming sport should always keep a very high rate of tanks and strokes. This guide will give you some useful advice on how to lose weight by swimming.
The first thing to do before entering the pool, it’s warm all the muscles doing stretching exercise combined with proper breathing, in order to avoid muscle injuries. If you are not particularly ” sports “, you can start with a workout of about an hour, twice a week, although the ideal would be to train three times.
In the moment in which it will acquire higher strength during the preparation, it will be possible to pass the most demanding tests.
As soon as you feel warm enough, you can get into the pool. Start by doing the first seven tanks alternating all specialties (backstroke, dolphin, breaststroke, freestyle), go with seven others just freestyle.
Try not to rest never more than 30-40 seconds between each tank, as mentioned earlier in order to lose weight through swimming must maintain a very high heart rhythm, such as when running or walking fast.
Continue with the other seven tanks at the back, then seven to seven frog and dolphin. If you followed this guide correctly, you will have made 35 total tanks: definitely a good number, especially for those who are starting out.
If you have any critical point of wanting to tone up or slim down further, keep in mind that increasing the tanks in the back, more train the dorsal fascia, while freestyle will be the arms to be most stressed.
If your problem is water retention legs, while you do not have particular problems of arms and belly, the ideal would be to use a tablet and do at least fifteen tanks moving only his legs.
Before you start swimming is good to be in possession of glasses as they improve vision and prevent eye irritation due to the chlorine. It is also advisable to use ear plugs to prevent water from getting inside the ear, and finally the water bottle should never be missing, because the body needs a lot of hydrations, especially when the workout is very intense.
Let her always by the pool, where it is easy to reach without having to leave the water: the changes in temperature are not good, and it is preferable to perform throughout the workout in the water.
The ideal would be to make a workout that includes at least 40 tanks: you can change the order of styles as you please, provided to always keep up the pace. It will seem almost to sweat even though you are in the water, and to have a little out of breath here, if you happen, know that you are doing the exercises the right way.
Losing weight with swimming is possible, and can also be relaxing: as soon as you take the pace, do not feel nearly as fatigue, but will continue to bring many benefits to your body. If you get the opportunity, immediately after exiting the tub and making a post workout hot shower, rub or get massaged with oils that help to drain and streamline: the skin will be highly receptive and substances penetrate deeply.