Acquagym: The Benefits

All this thanks to the action of the water that massages the different parts of the body, causing the residual fat to float and giving the skin a smoother effect. It is also a type of sport that has no particular contraindications, is suitable for both young and old. Now let’s see in detail the various benefits that aquagym brings to our body.
Helps to lose weight
Since gymnastics occur in water, muscular effort is greater due to friction. For this reason, practicing aquagym, you consume a large amount of calories and then automatically you tend to lose weight. As for the consumption of calories, it can vary from person to person, and the type of course practiced.
On average, in an hour of water aerobics, it is possible to burn from 300 to 400 calories. Moreover, this discipline helps to recover the tone and elasticity of the muscles, thus avoiding the unpleasant effect (especially for women) to take unwanted muscle mass, as happens in the gym.
It counteracts cellulite
The exercises in the water have a massaging effect on the legs, improving blood circulation, reactivating and toning a series of muscles. This helps to combat the hated problem of orange peel skin. With the aquagym all the muscles are activated, even those that we usually never use. The final effect is a real remodeling of the physical with a clear toning of the stomach, buttocks thighs.
It is able to cure osteoarthritis
Perhaps not everyone knows that aquagym was born as rehabilitative gymnastics and only later became a sport. It has been ascertained that gymnastics in water is a valid aid for those who have arthrosis problems, since the various atrophied joints are activated.
Improves venous circulation
The movement of water, helps the blood and lymphatic circulation, managing to fight defects caused by poor circulation such as water retention, swelling, heavy legs and varicose veins. Naturally, the heart and the state of health of the person in general will also be of benefit to them.
Reduces the risk of injury
In the same way as swimming, even with water aerobics, the risk of trauma and injuries is lower than other sports activities. All this because in water, our weight is less, we weigh only 10% compared to our body weight. This fact allows us to make movements simpler and more fluid.