The aesthetic benefits of the running

But also from aesthetic appeal, thanks to a number of countless advantages that make it possible to improve the body, making it younger, dynamic and perfectly functional. Here is a list listing the aesthetic benefits of the running.
Slows down
The main benefits from aesthetic point of view are dictated by the ability to make weight loss; In fact, during a run, you can burn as many calories as you walk and body weight, so if the ratio is 1 to 1 this means that every 100 meters you burn a calorie, not bad for a slimming treatment. Also effective in speeding up your metabolism.
Keeps the arteries healthy
Running at a constant speed, without any particular acceleration, keeps the arteries healthy, improves the heart rate, and increases the cholesterol values. It also allows for no stroke or infarction, and especially from the aesthetic point of view, arouses the appearance of varicose veins unhealthy.
Prevents aging
Another important aspect for aesthetic purposes of the running, that it is decreases the hormonal values of growth, thus counteracting the aging process. In fact, if the running is assiduously practiced, it regenerates the cells and other important organs and tissues subject to this natural tendency.
Avoid muscular and articular tears
From the aesthetic point of view, the stroke also serves to prevent muscular and articular tearing, so without the annoying presence of flaccid calfs or deformed ankles as a result of annoying nocturnal cramps or traumas. A body without deformation of any kind is aesthetically perfect, and racing is the ideal solution to ward off the scalpel, which many people (who do not practice sports) are forced to resort to improving their physical appearance.
Allows movement agility
A healthy body moves much more smoothly than what is not to be considered as such, so running, in addition to all the benefits listed here, allows greater agility in the movements. In fact, the benefits are greater, especially if associated with other activities such as swimming at the sea or in the pool or in the aerobics, and in all these cases, to obtain a well-modeled, perfect and agile body in movements.