The best workout for buttocks to do on the bed

If you are in the situation in which you wanted to firm your body (in particular the buttocks), but there is still laziness to be the master, here is the best solution: simple exercises for your daily workout be able to perform comfortably on the bed! In order to obtain a position as correct as possible in the various exercises, the advice is to use a large mirror or a person who observes and can correct us.
Raise the leg while standing on the side
It starts by lying on one side, holding the leg at a right angle with the foot back. Keep the head raised with the hand of the same side resting on the elbow on the bed. The other arm should be extended along the side, and the leg extended helping itself by pulling the toes. From this position, lift the leg, then descend again by bending the knee forward. Perform 20-30 repetitions per side. This exercise, in addition to firming the butt, also works on the outside of the thighs and on the abdominals.
Stretch out the leg by being on all fours. Rest on your hands on the bed, making sure to keep them in a straight line with your shoulders. The same position must be sought between knees and also, obtaining a position on all fours. From this position, stretch out a leg (helping yourself as in the previous exercise by pulling your toes) outwards. Return to position and this time extend the leg backwards. Repeat 20-30 times per leg.
The bike
Starting from the supine position with the arms extended along the sides and the palms of the hands facing the bed, bend the knees until the heels are in contact with the butt. Forcing on heels until a straight line is assumed from shoulders to hips.
From this position, you have to tighten the butt by bringing a leg (always bent) until the knee is in line with the hip. Proceed with 20-30 repetitions alternating one leg and the other. As in the first exercise, in addition to working the buttocks, it also acts on the thighs and abdominals.
Raise the pelvis
Starting from the same position as the previous exercise, this time instead of raising the legs, you have to pull the buttocks remaining in place for a few seconds, always trying to keep the straight line between the hips and shoulders. Return to the initial position without resting on your back on the bed. Repeat for 10 times.
Simulate swimming
Lie down in a prone position, lift your legs up with your buttocks and thighs up to your hips. Slowly lower one leg first and then the other to simulate the movement of the swimming, without the legs touching the mattress. Repeat for about 30 seconds.