The hunger pangs are a rather unpleasant feeling, especially for those who are keen on a good line and a healthy diet.
Many people would like to follow a proper diet, but then suddenly experience a severe attack of appetite, which solves all the work and sacrifices made. If you also have this problem do not you think you are the only ones; on the contrary, all of us, to a greater or lesser extent, we have to fight with this problem.
We are often tempted to assuage the pangs of hunger seeking solutions very complicated (and sometimes hazardous to health); actually just a few easy and simple rules to control hunger pangs. It is not at all difficult. The solution is much simpler than you might think, the goal is closer than you might think. Reading the guide you will understand why.
1.) Often you sit at the table with an uncontrolled feeling of hunger and consuming excessive amounts of foods that increase our waistline causing sometimes even guilt. In these cases, it is good to keep in mind that to calm the hunger pangs must seek foods that are high satiety index. In other words, do not count only the amount of food eaten, but also the quality of food and the time of recruitment. Among the most satiating, foods are definitely low-glycemic carbohydrates that have slower assimilation and provide a feeling of fullness that lasts longer. They are part of foods with low glycemic index foods rich in fiber such as bread, pasta and breakfast cereal’s grains. Especially well suited are also barley and oats, legume’s skimmed milk and low-fat yogurt. And of course, fruits and vegetables. Proteins also have a high-value satiating, so it should always be on the table as lean meat, eggs (especially egg whites) and especially fish rich in omega three fatties.
2.) Very useful and recommended practice is to reverse the order of intake of food by consuming vegetables before the other dishes. Eating vegetables at the beginning of the meal, when you are still hungry, you tend to assume greater amounts promoting satiety and will wear as a result of impairments of food, resulting in a lower total calorie intake. The vegetables are a good indicator of satiety and are very good for health being full of water, minerals, fiber and vitamins. It is a great advantage to eat vegetables start preparing the meal because the stomach to accommodate food after digestion easier and also promote intestinal transit. Finally, they are also very good for the palate, especially if served with an olive oil quality; typical example is the dip. Let us remember also that excess salt creates the unpleasant water retention then eat the little seasoned.
3.) Another simple rule is to drink plenty of water during both meals throughout the day coming to take a total amount of not less than one and a half. The water is very good for the body and helps to eliminate waste products. All those who want to fight the hunger pangs is useful to know that drinking lots of water during a meal helps to achieve faster satiety plus avoiding the introduction of additional calories through sodas or juices. They are also very satiating and healthy all the water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, skim milk. Another rule is very useful to perform a proper chewing of food for the brain senses the signals of satiety after twenty minutes from the moment you sit down at the table. Chewing slowly can therefore help to control overeating is also facilitating digestion and appreciating more the food …