Having the legs and calves in perfect shape is every woman’s dream. A leg with calves of the right size make the female figure much more agile and slender. Men, too, obviously care a lot about the appearance of their calves. Which exercises to follow, to have the calves not too turned? Here is a guide to model calves and the best exercises to do, even at home. A few simple moves to always feel in perfect shape.
A fundamental role but that too often is neglected is that of heating. It is indeed during warming that our body is prepared for real physical activity. Here is what to do. Before focusing on your calves, stand up and lean forward. Hold this posture for 20 seconds and then return to a standing position. Repeat this movement for 5 minutes. Remember that your legs will always have to be straight and that your feet should never move away from the floor. When you feel a general feeling of tonicity, then you can move on to the next steps.
Activation of the circulation
Carried out this important preparatory exercise, dedicate yourself now to the activation of the circulation inside the legs and calves. Stand up and move the body first to the right and then to the left. While making this movement, pry up the legs, so as to slightly urge the calves. Repeat the movement described above 10 times, with 10 bends on the right and the same number on the left.
Now intervene directly on the calves. Stand up and open one leg, taking care to rest on his heel. Then take the toes and lead them towards you with a small but firm movement of the hand. At this stage, you must feel a firm stress on the whole leg, from the thigh to the calf. Do this exercise 20 times. Then repeat it for 4 consecutive series.
Finally, get back on your feet and finish the calf care by making small jumps with each foot, 20 times. Repeat the same operation, this time keeping the two feet together. These exercises must be performed at least 5 times a week, using a lot of constancy and meticulousness. Within a couple of months, your calves will become more toned and resistant. With a really excellent aesthetic effect. The ideal to start the warm season in full form and with a beauty that will certainly not go unnoticed.