How to Choose water to drink

The water, immediately after the air, is a fundamental element for life and for the cure and the correct support of the body because the body is, for the most part, consisting of water.

The water in our body also presides over many important functions in the human being, the regulation of body temperature through the sweating phenomenon, the lubrication of all tissues, until the expulsion of waste substances in the body.

So drinking is a fundamental action for our well-being, because you cannot live without water, but we must also drink a good water that establishes a good balance of salts in the body and which is neither harmful nor polluted.

First let’s see how and how much to drink. For a correct requirement of the human body must drink the water for about a liter / liter and a half of water throughout the day. This amount allows all of our functions that are regulated by the water to be always well-efficient.

But drink plenty of water at one time is not very useful as it would be absorbed only minimally. It should drink so distributed throughout the day to ensure that our body to absorb properly, and it benefits the effects.

Let’s see how to recognize the water that you drink. The waters are many, and each has different uses: The purpose of this guide is to provide the basic elements for a good choice of water to drink. The first thing to do is to read the label of the bottle.

It may seem difficult, but if you have to choose only water for your daily consumption, the discourse is very simple, because the fundamental data to be controlled are the following: the fixed residue, the pH of the water and sodium, but less important.

Fixed residue at 180° : this figure indicates how many minerals remain after evaporation of a liter of water to 180°. If the result is less than 50 mg/l water is considered slightly mineralized and is suitable, for example: to facilitate the expulsion of kidney stones and to encourage the increase diuresis. It is also suitable for small children.

If the result of the fixed residue is between 50 mg/l and 500 mg/l water is considered a low mineral content and is suitable for daily consumption. If the result instead is between 500 and 1500 mg/l is considered mineral water and is suitable, especially for sportsmen because it promotes the absorption of minerals.

It is not generally recommended daily consumption of this water because of its high fixed residue could strain our kidneys and thus facilitate the process of stone formation. If the residue is above 1500 mg/l water is considered highly mineral and can only be taken under medical advice.

Let’s see now the water PH: This indicates the degree of alkalinity or acidity and is divided as follows:

The water which commercially roam all around a pH = 7 with a few cents more or less. Here the best choice should be made according to the type of power you have. Generally, we have a diet that creates acidity, and so it is better to drink alkaline water. If you do not know how to understand is the type of power supply, is necessary to give preference to a water that has a pH = 7, ie neutral water.

We see the sodium dissolved in the water: the data that is located on the label on the sodium is indicated in mg/l or how many mg are dissolved in a liter of water. Sodium is a very important element for our survival because the most important functions at the cellular level are regulated by the sodium and potassium.

It is very important that in the body, there is neither too little nor sodium. The water with low sodium content are preferable because our diet is generally rich in sodium. It is also recommended that low-sodium water, especially if you have high blood pressure.

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