In recent years, more and more people have started going to the gym to develop their physical, but many are not that often you can also perform many exercises at home such as some exercises for the shoulders.
The shoulders are very important part of the body but at the same time difficult to train and develop. To develop them, there are many exercises that can be: stress relieving the front and back of his head, raised side, front and rear, shaken for trapezoids and others.
The muscles of the shoulders are also involved in many other exercises that do not concern them directly, so that when they have to be trained seriously are often overworked. The Turkish Get Up is an exercise that is working shoulder but do not put it under strain. In this guide, we will see how to perform this exercise correctly by the shoulders.
- The execution of the Turkish Get Up consists in getting up from the ground by lying position with an outstretched arm and holding a weight. It’s very simple, but it’s worth explaining in detail how to do. First lie down on the floor on a mat or soft cloth.
- With the right arm grasp a weight and extend the arm upwards, must remain stationary in this position for the whole exercise. We raise the right knee with the leg creating a team and keeping the ball of the foot to the ground.
- Now we raise your shoulders off the ground pivoting on his left arm that is still on the ground. Pull back the left leg, bringing back and keeping your right foot secured to the ground. Standing Up to find us with your left knee resting on the ground (let us help with your left hand to do so). From this position we have to do is lift us straight up. Now we have to perform the same movements in reverse order to return to the starting position. This is one repetition.
- To perform a repeat for the other shoulder we have to do is swap the positions of movements of arms and legs. If we do an exercise as they should continue to alternate the movement for at least five minutes without stopping.
- At first, we can learn the movement using a lightweight, then we have to add a few kilograms to train seriously. The timing is also variable: our goal should be to exercise ourselves with the Turkish Get Up to be able to run for 10 minutes with a weight of 10 kilograms in hand. We never try to overdo the weights as the first few times we can cause very serious injury to the muscles or ligaments in the worst case.