Diet: Lose weight with a low calorie diet

How many times have we found ourselves thinking, ” I should lose a few pounds ” or ” I put on some bacon ” or even ” I want to lose a little weight. ”

Surely each of us has experienced this type of analysis at least once in their lifetime. Being in good physical condition, we know, has a positive impact in many ways, both for our physical health, and for our psychological well-being.

To lose weight, lose weight, find a good physical condition is not always necessary to have recourse to specialists (except for specific health problems) or undergoes expensive and hard sessions in the gym. You usually need to adopt what is called a healthy lifestyle.

Maybe we’ve heard a lot about how to change their way of life, in this case, including through a low-calorie diet: a word can be very simple, but sometimes we may be in trouble. Let’s see then what follows may be a few tips to put into practice to lose weight and lose weight with the help of a low-calorie diet.

The low-calorie diet.

Follow a reduced-calorie diet simply means to introduce into our body a lower amount of calories – that is lower (= hypo) – that we consume during the day:

Then follow a low-calorie diet is a bit like a balance between income and expenditure. In some ways can be compared to our budget family budget if revenues are greater than the outputs, we ” enrich ” ; if the outputs are greater than the revenue, we ” impoverish “.

Here, rich and impoverished in terms dietary means, respectively, lose or gain weight. And that depends just as in a family budget, the difference between income and expenditure, that is, between what we eat.

The first rule – Gradually.

Follow a reduced-calorie diet does not mean to go out of the blue to eat a huge amount of food to eat almost nothing or very little. This type of behavior not only helps you to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but even it can also be the cause of serious health problems.

So the first rule is that of the gradual, or to proceed in small steps without exceeding either, one way or another, gradually changing their eating habits. Graduation means reducing the amount of calories you eat and then lose weight gradually, perhaps involving both a moderate and gradual increase in physical activity that takes place normally.

The second rule – Balance.

Follow a reduced-calorie diet does not mean stop point blank to eat a certain type of food for the benefit of others. For example, to completely eliminate the pasta and bread, or meat, or milk and milk products. In short, the rule of balance is to rule that tells us to eat less but eat everything. Balance means eating a little bit of everything, perhaps by changing the foods during the week, preferring the more healthy and natural (such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, rice, pasta, white meat) and reducing those high calories or fat (sweets, cream, cheese, wine). A low-calorie diet can be a diet still varies by type of food.

When and how much to eat?

Usually, it is recommended not to skip meals of the day, taking light meals at regular intervals. So it is a good practice to provide a breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, mid-day, mid-afternoon snack, and dinner in the evening. These should be fixed appointments of a healthy lifestyle food. Get used to follow these simple rules will help us to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Spread the calories over the whole day allows you to never come in the classic sense of ” ravenous ” that leads to eating everything in an unruly manner and in excessive amounts with respect to its requirements / consumption.

Eating well by following a low-calorie diet means eating everything, but in smaller quantities. This may simply mean eating a smaller portion of what we are used usually to do: for example, eat half portion of pasta instead of the usual whole portion and maybe even abundant.

How to move?

To lose weight, to stay in shape and for your own health, you should associate with a bit of healthy diet physical exercise, even by those who are its ability to move. As I said earlier, it is not necessary to undergo strenuous and expensive sessions in the gym. There are many small opportunities to increase our physical activity and our consumption of calories.

Simply do it.

Like for example choose to climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or leave the car parked under the house and choose to go on foot to make the commission (the post office, grocery shopping, etc.), Or use the bicycle for a move; or even, why not, in your free time to do a brisk walk outdoor instead of staying on the couch watching TV or in front of the screen of a computer.

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