Exercise: bending on the knees without weights

If you were not able enough it is better to address people as instructors or personal trainers since the repetition of an incorrect exercise will lead you to have physical problems with time. In this guide, I will explain how to do push-ups on the legs without using weights correctly and effectively. Let’s see how to do the knees in the right way.
Push-ups on the knees are the most appropriate exercise for those who are approaching the world of fitness but who due to a previous life as sedentary is not able to perform the classic push-ups. Although they are more ” simple “, this does not mean that the work of bibs and arms is not profitable. If your goal is not to get to do the classic push-ups, you can still include knees on your gym board, as these are functional for a good workout.
To properly perform the knees on the knees you must lie down on the ground, then put your palms on the floor. The hands should be in line with the shoulders and approximately at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the body.
At this point, you have to join the legs and raise your feet keeping the knees in contact with the floor, about this, I suggest you to carry out the exercise always with a mat that allows you to rest on your knees on a semi-soft surface avoiding to create pain. At this point, push yourself upwards with your hands, and you will see that the folds will simply succeed.
The bending on the knees also includes the variant with the arms at the center. These will allow you to work more on the triceps and then work on different muscles than those that you would do with bending with wide arms.
The fundamental thing is always to be followed in the performance by qualified personnel who will correct the position if incorrect. Folds can be performed by both men and women, with variable repetitions according to the objectives. Approximately 8/10 folds must be made three times.