Exercise : Biceps Curl For With Dumbbell

The Scott bench (Scott Preacher bench or bench) is a sports equipment used in the practice exercise with weights (bodybuilding, fitness). Specifically, the exercise that is practiced with this tool is the Preacher curls.
The name comes from body building champion Larry Scott (first winner of Mr. Olympia). The tool consists of an inclined plane where to rest the arms; this allows to isolate the coached part without using impulses or compensation movement (Cheating) and make more effective the training effect.
Scott bench can be used to make different exercises that provide flexion of the arm. The traditional curl on Scott bench provides that the athlete sits on the appropriate seat resting on his arms on the support surface, by imposing a pre-bending of the arm on the shoulder.
The execution consists in flexing the elbows without changing the position of the rest of the body. The movement ends just before the vertical bar is above the elbows. To avoid losing muscle tension is necessary to stop the forearm at about 45 ° tilt. In the steps to follow it will show how to perform the exercise for biceps curl with a dumbbell.
The biceps curl is a great exercise to stimulate especially the long head of the biceps, a thick area neglected during training. There are different types of curl (or bending) for the biceps to be performed in an upright position, sitting or lying on a bench or gymball, holding the barbell or dumbbell.
Usually, the curl with the dumbbells is performed by alternating the movement of the arms: when one goes up, flexing the forearm on the arm and bringing the weight toward the chest, the other relaxes. It is also possible to vary the tool socket and vary the position of the palm of the hand during the execution leading, for example, the palm of the hand upwards and bringing it back toward the sides in the descent phase.
To begin making your biceps curls you can choose the version on the incline. In this way, the movement is more controlled and the back has a support on which to rest preventing assume an incorrect posture. The backrest should be positioned at approximately 45°.
Grip the handlebars with the position of hands on the hammer, or with the palm facing the body. Inhale to prepare the exercise and the movement and exhale and bend the elbow, leaving it perpendicular to the floor, bringing his hands toward the chest. When it finishes the movement, hands must be addressed with the palm facing upwards. Inhale and slowly bring your arms to the starting position with your hands to the body.
To get started you can do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Of course, these details are then calibrated according to your physical abilities, level and training goal. It is important to provide the body with always new stimuli for which, every so often, you can vary the biceps curl for gripping the barbell, performing the exercise standing or on gymball (which also stimulates the work of abdominal thanks to destabilization).