How To exercise on The Hyperextensions Bench
Would you like to have buttocks and lumbar steel? It is not easy to train these muscles, but with a suitable training and a balanced diet, you hit your goal.
The exercises proposed in this guide are the hyperextension bench and go right to strike effectively these two muscles.
1.) The hyperextension bench are unfortunately an exercise that you can play comfortably at home, but only in the gym, where you will find the bench, especially for the execution of the exercise that allows the execution of the movement without risking injury. As mentioned above the hyperextension is an exercise targeted for the development of the buttocks and lower back. With this guide, you will learn the correct technique for execution.
2.) Preparation for exercise. To perform the exercise you’ll have to settle on the appropriate bench. A very important thing is to keep the legs firmly to the bench, so that during the execution of the movement for the year do not risk losing your balance and fall forward. Then anchored there with care and do not make the move until you are sure.
3.) Execution of the exercise. The movement to be performed is really very simple, you do not have to do anything but get off on doing bring your face close to the ground, then back up. The descent phase must be carried out very slowly. You have to keep your neck perfectly aligned with the trunk, and you have to take out the lumbar and buttocks to make them work at the most …
4.) Variants of the execution period. During the year, the arms can be posed in different ways, or crossed over your chest or behind your head like when you do your abs, or fully extended forward so that you feel most stressed the lumbar muscles. To make the exercise more difficult you can also take a weight to hold in hand.