Perform physical exercises is a great way to have muscle tone, a body that can withstand better the stresses of everyday life, making it possible to release tension and improves the mood. The rotation of the shoulders and arms with tubular, is an excellent stretching exercise, to improve joint mobility, download muscle tension and decrease the problems at the expense of the neck and back.
The movements that go to make, involving both the musculature of the arm (biceps and triceps), both the rotator cuff: a group of four muscles and their tendons. It will be possible in this guide, to understand how to properly set up an easy exercise, to be done in 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each, the rotation of the shoulders and arms with tube.
You must begin with the first exercise in the following manner: first, standing, one must begin to properly fix the tubular elastic, passing it under their own left foot. Then you have to stand in good standing with your feet slightly apart to distribute in a balanced manner on them its own weight.
The following must firmly grasp the two handles of the tubular with the hands. In this position, the right arm must remain simply stretched along the side, and then disposing of a minimum quantity in length of the elastic tubular with respect to the left arm, which, in this case, takes a greater effort, playing the main role.
You must raise the left arm bringing the side of the elbow and at the same height of the shoulder; then you must stretch the forearm lengthening of the whole arm, always keeping the elbow at shoulder height, and with the left hand in a manner always tighten the handle firmly in the fist, to maintain tension in the elastic.
In this way, it should form an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the torso (see photo); at this point, it must necessarily remain in the position just described for about 3 seconds, then you should spread the arm upward to decrease successively along the side, and then bringing the handle of the handle toward the ground.
After scoring 3 series of movements, by repeating to 10/12 times, you must prepare to reverse the arm. This simple exercise done daily provide a proper joint mobility and a little extra pop of the shoulders and arms, easing the burden on your back.
The exercise just proposed should be repeated, this time placing the elastic under the right foot, and executing the same movements with his right arm. It is important to clarify that it is possible to find the tubular resilient (or elastic cords).
In different types, that is, with different degrees of resistance; this is guaranteed according to their length and to their particular composition. You should necessarily choose the most suitable type for your needs, and especially before performing any type of exercise, you should always seek advice from your physician for a natural consultation.