How to find health and energy with the acid-base method

This guide will explain how to direct you to the innovative method developed acid-base by Herve Grosgogeat. More than a method, it is a real choice to change diet and lifestyle, which not only make you lose weight, you will also help combat aging of the organism and prevent many diseases.
Of course, before starting any diet other than your usual, consult your doctor.
1.) The acid-base method takes into account all the general well-being of the body to ensure an improvement of physical, mental and emotional. Among the benefits, remember that you will help prevent the problems caused by everyday stress and cleaned up from the residual pollutants in the air you breathe. Keep in mind that, like any diet, it should be followed for a certain period of at least three weeks, and you cannot make changes to your heart’s content in the diet. In all the time that you decide to use this method, have been followed regularly by your doctor to be sure that your body responds to best and does not have specific nutritional deficiencies.
2.) The fulcrum of the acid-base method is represented by the correlation between chronic diseases and a power mostly acidifier, which contributes over the years, so silent, to chronic disease and especially of inflammatory nature, as well as disorders related to metabolism, such as the obesity, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Once you have identified in your diet foods that contain an acidic base, you will need to delete them in order to enable the body to produce a general welfare, giving a better psycho-physical balance and a simultaneous strengthening of the immune system.
3.) One of the first foods that you will need to eliminate acids, there are certainly all sodas and alcohol. Among the fruits and vegetables, it is better to avoid raw vegetables, especially tomatoes, and sour fruit, such as grapefruit. Even cereals, with the exception of millet, generate ash, acid-based. To be avoided dairy products and preserved products. In a healthy diet, can instead be introducing greater quantities of grain carbohydrates, proteins and cheeses of sheep or goat, all foods having basic components, ie with a low alkaline pH, are able to counteract those acid-based and reestablish a good overall balance of the body.