If you suffer from celiac disease must follow a gluten-free diet, once discovered you should contact a specialist in nutrition that will prepare you initially targeted diet to detoxify your body from gluten, then will give you guidelines to follow for the rest of life.
Once you have gluten intolerance does not go away but with simpler measures your power will be slightly different from those of other people. This guide does not want to replace a doctor but give simple tips on which foods are suitable and, which are not and this can come in handy if you need to prepare a meal at home, knowing that a guest has celiac disease.
1.) Eliminate gluten does not create nutritional imbalances because it is a protein that is essential to our food supply. And present in many high-fiber cereals, is primarily in the grain so you have to remove the paste and all its derivatives, bread and so on. To avoid a shortage of plant fibers, there is a need to integrate with legumes, fruits and vegetables. Almost always someone who turns out to be celiac thinks they have to give up all the foods eaten until the time of diagnosis. Fortunately, it is not.
2.) As mentioned before not to eliminate simple carbohydrates should mostly buy gluten-free pasta and bread, can be found in most pharmacies stocked but be careful because they have a very high cost. And possible to prepare pasta at home with the help of the floor and starch also gluten-free. To be excluded the known brands and the usual. The cost of the expenditure for these people is certainly more substantial, but this comes in handy health with a small monthly allowance which may vary from region to region.
3.) Gluten may be included in some substances such as preservatives and thickeners used in cooking large industrial distribution so pay attention to the products that you buy at the supermarket. Beware of beverages such as sodas or fruit juices, read the nutrition box mark on the back of the bottle where the ingredients are listed if you see the words do not have to buy this product. Similarly, you have to pre-treat or sweet pastry, chocolate and ice cream.
4.) They are to be excluded sauces or frozen foods as they contain thickeners, regarding meats instead, you have to buy them in special shops or organic store, and you need to specifically ask for them otherwise gluten-free ones commonly found in supermarkets are stored in the flour and should be avoided.