Password: get in shape! The main objective in view of the costume test is to lose excess pounds and get rid of the annoying skin blemishes. The best way to do this is to study a targeted program, to acquire a healthy lifestyle, preferring proper nutrition and exercise.
To succeed in the intent it is essential to follow the rules for at least 30 days, avoiding flash diets. Last-minute diets, based on renunciations and on the imposition of prohibitions, bear physiological and psychological damage. Moreover, they lead to a weight increase of 10% more than the original one.
If you intend to go back to dressing the old jeans in the closet, arm yourself with common sense! Let’s see together how to get fit in a month.
Follow a proper diet
To lose weight in a month and regain a dazzling form you must review the diet, following a correct diet. First of all, follow the seasonality criterion: take advantage of the beautiful season to eat the vegetables of the period. You will be easier to organize meals, for which you must prefer light, roasted and steamed cooking.
Do not neglect to start the day with a good breakfast, and do not give up the mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks made with dried or fresh fruit. For lunch or dinner, eat a second accompanied by a side dish of vegetables and a nice plate of salad. Vegetables, varied every day to encourage weight loss.
Do not eliminate pasta and bread from the diet, rather consume them whole-wheat at least once a day. The trick is to dress them in a simple way. Instead avoid all foods rich in saturated fats, fried foods, cream-based dips, sauces, juices, and sugary drinks.
Practice a proper sport
To get back into shape in a month, help your metabolism with the sport. Do not improvise sports if you are not, practice a physical activity appropriate to your body. You do not necessarily have to enroll in a course to find the line, but spend at least an hour a day walking. As an alternative to walking, do the exercise bike or ride in the open air.
Do not forget the warm-up before each movement and stretching at the end of the session. To intensify physical work, perform targeted exercises such as abdominals and squats. If you are not an expert, follow an online tutorial.
It will take you 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, to streamline legs, tighten buttocks and tone abdominals. The sea and the swimming pool will help you keep your physical form rediscovered.
Sleep well at night
Science speaks clearly. By now, it is well known that a good rest helps to lose weight: those who sleep 7 hours a night are easier to keep fit. Insomnia, often caused by the unevenness of life and stress, creates a hormonal dislocation in the long run.
The consequences are the impulse to eat often the increase in appetite, and the desire to eat foods rich in fats and sugars. The advice to find the form in a short time is to avoid doing the small hours. Return home, dine in peace and treat yourself to a good relaxing herbal tea.