
How to choose a diet

A healthy diet and regular exercise are the ideal combination. The word diet comes from greek and means ” way of life “.

It is mistakenly associated with strict diets, prolonged fasting and privation. Nutritionists (or improvised) advertise countless diets. High protein or blocks, are often dangerous and expensive. Promise satisfactory results in a short time, but at what price? Here is how to choose the diet that best suits your needs.

1.) You have to lose some kilos too much? Do not rely on the first suggestions! There are countless diets. They are often unnecessary, expensive and dangerous for the organism. They do not guarantee the right amount of nutrients and cause serious complications. Therefore, how to choose the right diet? A good diet contains four basic groups. In your tables, you should never miss: fruit and vegetables (4 servings), cereals, bread and starchy foods (4 portions), milk and dairy products (2 servings), poultry, meat, fish and eggs (2 servings). Diets do you exclude one or more of these categories. Reduce fat, but weigh on the health of the organism. Furthermore, the interruption involves a dangerous increase in weight.

2.) A healthy diet provides the variety of food. Each meal is taken in small portions and more ranges. A small amount of protein has a high nutritional value: 100 g of pork, 1/2 cup of cheese and 100 g of tuna (61 g total protein) will be sufficient to the daily requirements of a man of 70 to 80 kg. A child of 27 – 30 kg requires 33 g of protein per day, or 2 cups of milk, 30 g of cheese, two slices of bread and a baked potato. The right diet is based on sex, age, weight and any diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney or liver problems. They should therefore be treated as the recommended daily dosage of proteins, sugars, carbohydrates and vitamins.

3.) Before choosing any diet, consult a dietician confidence. He will not be conducive to unbalanced diets. They should bring about assimilation of one or two nutrients, leaving out the other. This diet is detrimental to health and responsible for serious diseases. Make a lot of attention then. Do not be fooled by false promises. The psychological well-being and health is not ” standardize “. Always consider your personal situation and check the physical form, with the body mass index (BMI).

Never forget : In the presence of disease is always wise to consult an expert dietician.
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