
How to choose Organic foods

The issue of food quality has now become the center of much discussion of national and international. We have realized that several are harmful elements which, in contact with foods, may become lethal to humans and cause different types of tumors.

An important role is played by the chemicals with which they are treated. Hence the need to eat organic, it has become almost a fad now, but how to choose organic foods? Based on what criteria? There are rules to follow?

  • The issue of organic food occupies a prominent place within the context of the public on the proper nutrition. Eating organic, keeps us away from several health risks, several studies, it found that those who consume organic food is less likely to develop tumors in their lifetime. But what it means to eat organic?
  • Organic food, in general, are those that are not treated with chemicals such as preservatives, dyes, herbicides, etc. Fruit is the most natural you can eat, always we say that we feel is good for health, but do not always know that. That  is not organic is treated with strong chemicals and often harmful to human health.
  • The soil in which it is grown does not always respond to the terms of the law, often in close proximity to highways, industrial areas, landfills, and this only adds to the possibility that the fruit does not at all good for our health. Some companies of fruit and vegetables do not respect the time in which to use herbicides safely.
  • Organic products can be recognized because they have a control system EEC, then periodically checks the manufacturers and analyzed samples of products. Often they cost more because they are more controlled and the risks are greater that you submit the producer of this kind of food.
  • Choose organic products can often seem difficult. You must first read the label making sure that you are given all the information on the manufacturer code, the CE mark, at maturity and, not least, the place where this food has been produced.
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