
How to lose weight by drinking water

The main feature of life today is probably a sedentary lifestyle: the majority of the population plays a desk job and was forced to sit for hours at a desk. Unfortunately, this routine often adds an attitude dangerous laziness.

Consequently, the risk of taking weight, lose muscle tone, afflict him, and to meet even of cosmetic imperfections such as cellulite, is really very high, especially as regards women. Drinking plenty of water is a good remedy against the imperfections and helps you lose weight.

Obviously, we do not speak of a real diet water: water is a virtually calorie-free, but that does not mean that drinking water is slimming automatically! Here is a number of tips to be met to get the most wider benefits that this element so valuable given to us by Mother Nature can give us.

1.) To purify drinking. Everything we ingest produces the ” waste ” of which the body must necessarily break free and to do so, it needs water. Especially in a high-protein diet, the kidneys perform more effort and the needs of the body to take on water increases. If you follow a balanced diet, also rich in fruit and vegetables, increase the consumption of water can purify itself better, getting rid of waste and toxins and get a result, a skin brighter, more vitality and staying fit.

2.) Drink before meals. Recently, it has been proven by a scientific study that drinking two glasses of water before lunch or dinner helps to lose weight: to introduce a fair amount of water before food not only contributes to a greater sense of satiety while reducing the amount of food that you are going to take the meal, but promotes intestinal transit.

3.) Water instead of soft drinks. This would be a golden rule to be applied to children: replacing beverages and soft drinks with the plain water, dramatically reduces the calories consumed daily. It is well known that soft drinks do not have the power moisturizing and refreshing water: the sugars they contain, indeed, addictive then the best solution is to indulge in these drinks only in rare cases and avoid taking them daily.

4.) Not all waters are equal. As well as other foods, even water has different proportions of minerals and must be careful to labels. In many cities of water is safe to drink and also very good also on the market, there are different filter systems that allow scrubbed eliminating residues fixed and the excess calcium. But if you decide to focus on water as a slimming aid, it’s good to choose a brand that contains little sodium. The sodium is one of the causes of water retention, which causes cellulite should be reduced and also as a condiment.

5.) The cold is good. To slim down the body must burn calories and think about it, any small movement helps us. But there is another ally in the loss of extra pounds, that is cold. Eating or cold water, without exaggeration, can help consume calories pious because our body, before the development of these foods, must take them to the interior temperature and to do that, it burns calories. This is not a real strategy for weight loss but only a tip to keep in mind and to match the good standards that we all know but often forget to apply every day: healthy and balanced diet, drink a lot to purify and do a little healthy movement. And if the time for the gym is missing, just park your car further away, giving up the elevator and stay longer standing. Our line will thank us!

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