
How to prevent cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease affect many people, especially nowadays. Caused by bad habits of life, but also a strong genetic predisposition, they may at least be prevented by changing their habits, paying greater attention to some details. This guide will discuss some tips for their prevention.

1.) Cardiovascular diseases are those diseases characterized by a malfunction of the circulatory system that causes a lack of blood supply in specific parts of the body. The blood is critical to tissue oxygenation. The cells, in the absence of oxygen, they die. Especially those of the brain, which are particularly susceptible. The lack of oxygen is called ischemia which, extending, can be the basis of a myocardial infarction or a stroke. The failure of the cardiovascular system may be due to a genetic predisposition, such as birth defects, heart failure, arrhythmias, diseases related to dysfunction or to the structure of the heart valves.

2.) An impact on the onset of these diseases, there are also bad habits of life, linked to high stress, excessive smoking or alcohol, excessive sugar and fat in foods, physical activity is not adequate (or too little), hypertension, obesity, diabetes.

3.) It is clear that one of the first remedies annoverino reducing smoking and alcohol and the choice of an eating plan that is low in fat and sugar, more so if you have a predisposition to high-cholesterol levels or blood sugar. The preferred foods include meats, fish (which, by the way is full of those famous and beneficial omega 3 fats), a few condiments, a few sweets and sausages; it also recommends the consumption of lots of vegetables and fruit, for high levels of vitamins and minerals that make the diet. All stress must be managed in the best way, because subjecting the heart to excessive force. If the job requires rhythms easily sustainable, relaxing activities such as yoga can help. Moreover, as hyperactivity may be a risk factor, it may be even a sedentary lifestyle because the oxygenation of the body is essential. A daily walk, slow or fast, for about an hour can only benefit. If the problems are caused by a congenital heart defect, it is clear that there will be appropriate measures, including operations, the doctor will recommend the same.

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