The importance of calcium in the diet

We know that our body consists of a countless amount of various substances: This holds the vitamin D that is football. As it can say that the face of football good for children, and this is true, does not mean that large must stop or reduce power.
The importance of introducing covers all ages: the smallest for growth and older to keep them strong because as we age, and then aging, our bones are weakened, and the best method is a calcium-rich diet.
To understand how important you have to think about the basic functions that carry our body: football allows nerve endings to dialogue with them, by transmitting signals, allows muscle contraction such as the heart, helps blood clotting, helps increase the defenses immune and many other capabilities. It is clear that considering our skeletal apparatus of the amount of calcium that requires, as far as we have to integrate whereas all the remaining functions mentioned above.
Of course, to introduce all the calcium we need, we need to follow a healthy diet that includes foods rich in this precious mineral, and especially in a bioavailable form that is more easily assimilated. The main foods able to carry out this function are certainly the milk products, in particular, hard cheese, always valuable and undisputed source of calcium, as well as protein, with the further advantage that, thanks to the simultaneous presence of lactose. The absorption is further facilitated. It important to note that any skimming milk does not affect the amount of mineral present.
In addition to dairy products, they are rich in some fish, such as salmon and sardines, dark-green leafy vegetables, cabbages, broccoli, but also dried fruits. Also remember not to underestimate the introduction by mineral waters, particularly that denominated bicarbonate and calcium, excellent highly absorbable source of calcium plus the prerogative not to make calories. And for the uninitiated, a good introduction of vitamin D is given by exposure to the sun: it is clear that, you have to play the right shows otherwise you might run not only sunburn but also skin diseases.
As mentioned above, the kick that we introduce is deposited mainly in the bones, and it is from here that is taken when there is a shortage, why can manifest the osteoporosis, degenerative disease that mostly appears in old age, and that you can prevent precisely eating properly.
However, there are cases in which the average requirement increases, such as pregnancy, lactation, growth and senility, and you cannot always compensate for the higher need with increased intake, so may be useful additions periodic that the doctor can advise when appropriate.