How to keep your weight under control with the diet green

The diet is also known as ecological DNE, that diet of the ecological niche. It is a very balanced diet you can follow without undergoing great renunciation or unnecessary fast.

Indeed, it is possible to vary the foods and also their preparation. This guide gives you some pointers and some advice on how to control your weight through the DNE.

1.) When you begin a diet, the first thing to do is check your weight before you start, so get a scale that is accurate, and you get used to weigh yourself once a week, in the morning when I woke up. You do not need to do it every day. With diet eco-friendly is not necessary to establish a menu or weighing food, but only take food on a regular basis by choosing foods according to certain characteristics or avoid certain combinations.

2.) Select possibly foodstuffs from organic farming, avoiding foods with additives and added sugars and always start your meal with raw vegetables in abundance, but every now and replace it with cooked vegetables, and low in protein. You can eat fish every day, cheese, lean meat and eggs, alternating between them. Only when you have to eat a little grain carbohydrate, which are feeling but are less caloric refined carbohydrates.

3.) Every day you have to take a small amount of polyunsaturated fats that are rich in omega 6 and omega 3, but do not overdo it, it takes two or three nuts or 5:00 to 6:00 almonds or a tablespoon of vegetable oil. The salt should be consumed as little as possible, even the iodine, perhaps replacing it with spices both fresh and dried, which in addition to providing flavor to the food, they also have a cleansing and toning.

4.) Drink at least a liter and a half of water a day, and have a glass of red wine per day during meals. You can eat lots of fruit but limit the intake of foods with starch and sugars such as white bread, pasta and rice. Keep in mind that even legumes, and whole grains contain, although to a lesser extent. Use a table of the glycemic index of the food to control the amount of sugar present in it, selecting those with a low index. It goes without saying that, as with any diet, you have to practice physical activity, can be enough for a walk, but done every day.

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