
How to lose weight with running

The running is one of the most popular sports. Running is an activity that requires no equipment particulates, and everyone can practice it. Running is a sport practiced by all ages.

Running burns more calories than walking. But do not confuse running with jogging. The substantial difference between the two activities is that of running sessions have medium-high intensity. There are countless benefits also from a physical point of view.

You will notice the benefits of running only after you have started to run a bit of time. From the psychological point of view, the running will increase yourself-esteem, quality of life and your longevity. In addition, during the running, you are secreted endorphins, substances that give the body calm and well-being.

From the physical point of view, there is an increase in good cholesterol, you are burned many calories. You reduce the risk of heart attack, improve the immune system and much more. In this guide, you will find all the useful information on how to lose weight with running. To achieve the goal, weight loss, we must pay close attention to some aspects.

  • Before starting the running it is crucial to practice good heating. Doing so will prepare the most of your body. Before you start your racing seat, walking fast for 10 minutes. Do the same also to run after the session for 5 or 10 minutes. This stage of the running is called cool-down phase.
  • The cool-down phase after stroke is necessary to bring your body to the conditions of the starting balance. In the cool-down phase, in addition to brisk walking include some stretching exercises. You can view some examples of stretching the image attached to this step.
  • Contrary to what one might think, to lose weight you should not run fast. Your seat should be medium / high intensity, and slow run has many advantages: less accident risks, avoid excessive fatigue of the days, you can run more. Beyond that breathing while running must allow to speak calmly, without feeling short of breath. In other words, without worry.
  • Your workout should be gradual. In doing so you are able to achieve very good results. Avoid suffering, as well, the annoying over training syndrome. The over training syndrome due to excessive fatigue and inability to overcome fatigue. For this, I recommend you follow a well-planned program.
Note : Match the running to healthy eating. Do you drink a lot before starting and after: your body needs to replenish all the fluids lost during exercise. Run in places with varied landscapes, and in places where you feel at ease. Run in the hours more cool in summer, warm in winter hours. Before starting your workout, if you’re not used to physical exertion of a certain level, please contact a doctor for an assessment.
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