
How to lose weight with the spinning

As summer approaches, the question that echoes in the mind are always the same. I’m ready / a for the beach? How do I prepare in time?

Obviously, there is no miraculous way to lose weight and that makes us get a toned physique in a few months, so you have to think about it in advance and follow albeit only occasionally a training plan and lead a healthy lifestyle.

To do this sport recommended to those who have too many claims and maybe does not want to spend hours and hours in training, it is spinning.

  • Although our ultimate goal is not to get a chiseled physique like Bronze Statues, but only aspire to have a toned physique, this does not mean that this sport does not require sacrifices, like everything else. But it is always good if you make regularly and especially if you think there several months before summer, but for many reasons, not just to be able to present to the sea, but also because, let’s face it, a harmonious physical in addition to increasing your self-confidence, enjoy it all year.
  • A good workout should start at least the month of January, starting to perform normal physical activities that will help to loosen muscles, (especially useful if you are stopped for a long time), only after you ask a your instructor to begin spinning in his supervision.
  • This kind of sport is usually conducted in groups, but also executable by yourself, as this is to make bicycle on-site to the rhythm of music. The workouts are great fun thanks for the music, and a good instructor time flies. The classes have an average duration of 45 minutes because in addition would be exhausting.
  • The resistance will be based according to the needs and physical strength to those who ride. If you start in the first months of the year, you will begin to see the first small results after a fortnight, which gradually increase, as during the activity will get a high expenditure of calories resulting in an increase in metabolic rate.
  • It all depends of course the age of the athlete and the weight, but on average, for a person aged between 18 and 35, with a medium build, consumption will be about 540 calories per hour, and it is not for nothing little if just think that 20 minutes of carpet at a speed of about 15 km/h allows you to burn only 200 calories.
  • But aside from weight loss that this technique entails, there are many other benefits, such as, cardiovascular and respiratory apparatus efficiency. So what are you waiting? See you all in the gym.
Note : Never start without the supervision of an instructor, at least for the first few times, as you risk tearing and stretching, Always start with an easy ride to warm.
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