How to make a self-massage with DO-IN technique

The DO-IN, and a self-massage technique that is very often associated with Shiatsu and consists in putting the body in harmony with the universal energy.
It is used to combat the high blood pressure, overweight, water retention and to unlock and stretch the muscles, nerves and joints. It is the perfect activity to relax, become aware of your body and take care of health. It is important to concentrate and perform the massage every morning.
In this guide, we will see how to do to be able to properly perform a self-massage with the DO-IN techniques.
The DO-IN is a technique belonging to traditional Chinese’s medicine and is constituted by pressure, friction and stretching. Let’s see what are the steps that we run each upon rising crazy. We start with a massage for arms.
When standing, keep your left hand slightly raised and the palm of your hand high. We support your right hand on his chest, near the left shoulder. Let slip with a continuous movement the palm of the right hand along the inside of the left arm, until arriving at the fingertips of his left hand.
Turn the left palm downwards and go up with the right hand, massaging the outside of the left arm up to the shoulder. We press gently with the small cavity which lies just behind the shoulder, over the shoulder blade. We perform twelve repetitions and change arm.
We continue with a leg massage. Let’s sit on the floor, legs slightly bent forward, feet together, knees apart.
We perform with both hands, massage the soles of the feet. We go down the legs and massaged the inside of the calves, knees and thighs to the groin. We slid his hands on his hips, bring your palms together above the buttocks, hands facing down. We hold hands wide open with thumbs separated from the other fingers, massaged along the side and back of the legs.
We repeat twelve times this step. So following a few simple instructions in this guide, at last we will know how to properly perform a self-massage with DO-IN techniques.
At this point, we can only now begin to try this technique, following the instructions in this guide. We can see the first benefits from the earliest times.