Performing exercises with the Fitball

With the exercise ball, called fitball, you can perform at home targeted exercises for posture, correcting the defects of the spine and fight back pain.
It can replace the common chair, noting immediately the back improvements. There are three different ways to use this exercise ball: sitting, lying on her back or stomach. But let’s see how you perform the following steps.
Requirement : – Gymnastic ball, 1 weight from a pound or 1 bottle, Mat.
- The second exercise is performed as follows: sit on fitball with his feet on the ground and your arms stretched out at the shoulder level.
- Then, a hand holds a weights from a pound or a bottle of water, especially in the early years. Now lift alternating left and right legs. At the same time, bring the upper arm, then the other in which it holds the weights, and move the latter on the other hand. Bring your arms out and repeat the exercise. Do three sets of 12-14 repetitions.
- The third and final operation is performed as follows: lying on a mat on the floor and rest your legs bent at 90 ° on fitball. The calves should be flat on the ball, and his arms crossed over his chest. Gently lift off the ground bust and back down, only pulling your shoulder blades off the floor.
- Start with three sets of ten, up to ten sets of ten, then twenty ten series. To make the exercise more intense, you can put your hands behind your head.
- In addition to the exercises listed above, with fitball you can also train your abs and stretching. As for your abs, stretch your legs on the ball resting on your buttocks on the floor and lift your body with his arms crossed on his chest.
- Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions each set. To do stretching, relax over the ball and let your feet touch the ground. Embrace the fitball with your hands and relax your neck up to stare down. After reaching the position of maximum elongation possible, keep it there for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times, relaxing during breaks.
Note : For this kind of ideal ball exercises is the one with a diameter of 65-70 centimeters.