How to reduce your waist and hips

In Mediterranean women the hourglass shape dominates the physicality and often is a cause of discomfort for the characteristic to be wider in the lower area of the body ranging from the belly to the thighs.
Especially when approaching the bathing season, it terrifies her swimsuit and pushes women to practice exercises, starting the diet and drink lots of water to counter these annoying blemishes.
If your waistline is not at the top, just ten minutes a day and five well-aimed moves, following this guide, you will find fitness and wear the costume without having to feel uncomfortable. Followed to the letter the instructions that will show you how to reduce your waist and hips and then look in the mirror for constantine results.
Started, stretching yourself on your back with your legs bent and widening hips. Then put your feet on the ground. Bring your hands to the neck and try not to stiffen their backs. Now raise your head from the surface and squeeze your abs.
At the same time, it approached the knee to the chest, foot hammer and stretched forward without setting down the leg to the floor. Return to the previous position and effectuate for 15 times to 2 times.
Continued, lying back on his back and placing the pointed heels, support below with his right hand and his head with the elbow opened to extend your left arm to your ear. Contract the abdomen and brought top the head, then return to the ground without relax your head. Do two fifteen series for each arm.
With your hands at the nape use your abs to lift his head from the floor, while to relax over the right leg, in contact legs. Without changing the position of the leg will not relax completely. Repeat two stages of fifteen. This exercise will also train for the deeper muscles.
With your left ankle on your right knee, put his hands behind his head and raised by turning the upper part of the torso as if you lead the elbow towards the left knee. Back to the center by placing only the shoulders. Perform two sets of fifteen and then reversed.
You lead your thighs to his chest and then on the head with his hands supporting his neck, then stretched out a leg up while the other stretched forward without lay it on the ground. From here performed ten scissor alternating thighs. Repeat for two stages. To perform these exercises it will take about 10 minutes or a quarter of an hour, but the results are guaranteed.
Remember that proper nutrition can promote the melting of the fat, and drink plenty of water, contained in each food, especially in fruits and vegetables can speed up the process, eliminating water retention. Go about 2km every day and do the reading also corseted in place, they do reduce the extra pounds deposited on the belly.