How to start your diet

How many times, especially women, have said the famous words ” I have to go on a diet? ” . This guide will explain how to eat in a balanced way.
1.) The first thing I can tell you only one: You do not see the DIET as a waiver of the food, but Think of it as a ” back to eating healthy. ” Healthy does not mean giving up everything, rather it is to be remembered that totally remove a food that we like, our style, may be facing in just continue your plan to lose weight or just get back in shape. So if you suffered Nutella or ice cream, for example, and eat them often, you should not deprive you, much less abruptly. For example, if you eat Nutella every day, start alternating days, so one and one not, and you come to eat 1 or 2 times a week, then settle your taste buds, the body and the mind.
2.) That said, I would add one more thing: Eating healthy does not mean eating salads unseasoned, or dishes with no taste. It means finding a balance with portions and nutrients. Another thing: do you diet yourself if you need to lose a lot of kilograms, go to a dietician. Another key point: the fat should not be eliminated completely, much less those plants. They are essential for our body. Suffice it to say that the cells are all formed from phospholipids.
3.) The substances that we ingest in the right amounts are: carbohydrates, lipids and proteins (protein), minerals and vitamins. Carbohydrates, or sugars, which includes carbohydrates, are essential for cells and brain. The minerals and vitamins are not stored in the body when ingested in excess, for that reason should be ingested daily. What instead completely different for carbohydrates and proteins which if taken in excess are converted into fat and then are stored in the body and then go to ” store ” .
4.) After this long introduction, I can give you some advice: Breakfast is crucial to re-enter the body carbohydrates (sugars) that are in much lower after the night before and then giving the power and restarts the body. So avoid skipping breakfast, just a couple of biscuits or a glass of milk take it ..
5.) Obviously take what you want … Juice, milk, coffee, but take something. Take snacks between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. Try to have the right proportions of nutrients, carbohydrates in greater proportion than the lipids, and prefer those plants (oil) than animals, essential protein contained in eggs, milk, meat and fish. Another thing to consider is: CONSISTENCY, maintaining a good diet without giving up your favorite foods, shrunken doses, but do not give up anything, and if you make a bad mistake, take a hike!