How to Start a Zone diet

The Zone diet has become one of the most popular ways to lose weight, but its purpose is also to lay the foundation for a healthier lifestyle.

The right balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins leads to optimal levels of three hormones (glucagon, insulin and eicosanoids) that are important for the body.

1.) Start your diet plan your meals ” in the area, ” a third of the pot will be occupied by protein. Proteins can be given from eggs, meat, fish or tofu. The portions should be no bigger than the palm of your hand. The other two-thirds of the pot will be filled with fruits and vegetables. Avoid fruits and vegetables such as corn, potatoes and bananas. Each meal should also include a good deal of fat, such as those contained in olive oil or an avocado. Avoid foods that contain synthetic fats.

2.) Maintain constant levels of hormones by eating five times a haunting. Eat even if you are not hungry. Do not exceed the five daily meals. Eat an hour after awakening in the morning. Limit carbohydrates. Take primarily fruits and vegetables to eat carbohydrates. Choose foods that have a low glycemic index. Drink eight glasses of water a day and do exercise every day. Eat foods high in protein and low in fat at every meal. Before a meal, consider your situation; if you are not hungry at the scheduled time for the meal, you’ve most likely hormone levels perfectly balanced. This will help you determine which foods are best for your body.

3.) The Zone diet is based mainly on the build-up of ” blocks “. Each meal should contain a ” block ” of proteins, carbohydrates and three of three fat. Men usually take four ” blocks ” per meal. The ” blocks ” are not the same for all foods; for example, a ” block ” of protein is equivalent to 20 grams of tuna, beef or chicken. A ” block ” of carbohydrates is equivalent to half an apple or two zucchini. A ” block ” of fat is equivalent to three olives, two tablespoons of olive oil or three almonds. The zone diet meals are low in saturated fats, sugars and processed carbohydrates. Snack’s diet follows the same guidelines of the steps are just resized portions: a ” block ” fat, one carbohydrate and one protein. (For example: 20 grams of skinless chicken, half a cup of chickpeas and a macadamia nut) …

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