The benefits of squatting

Then go to toning and general toning exercises. Among these, one of the most well-known fitness exercises, also practiced in Body Building, is the squatting. This exercise must always be carried out correctly, with the back in upright position, and you can practice bending your knees by taking your hips back on your own or with a specific tool (handlebar, rocker bar, etc.). Here are all the benefits of squatting.

It develops the muscles of the thighs

The first benefit of squat is definitely to help the development of the thigh muscles. Quadriceps are indeed the most affected and stressed muscles during a squat exercise. However, remember to perform ten minutes stretching before and after each training session to avoid annoying stretching or inflammation.

Relax and glut

The second indisputable benefit of squats, among the most beloved by women, is to strengthen the buttocks. During the folds, the buttocks are constantly stressed and kept in a workout. With constancy and commitment, you will see the first results after a month of exercises, to be performed continuously and at least three to four times a week.

Strengthens bones and ligaments

The third benefit of squats, perhaps less known, is to strengthen bones and ligaments. Movements to be performed, if performed correctly, help to increase bone density. Also, if ligaments are trained, they will be less subject to injury and stronger and tonic.

It develops abdominal muscles

If the squat is executed in the correct way, it will also allow you to develop abdominal muscles. Ever since ” cruel ” men and women, these muscles are the most difficult to train and carve. Thanks to the squat, if you pay attention to the contraction of the abdomen during bending exercises, your abdomen will be more toned and strong since the first month.

Reinforces the back

The last benefit of squat is to strengthen the back. Very often you can hear that after an intense training of squats, you can undergo lumbar pain or back pain, but this happens only if the exercise is done incorrectly. If squats are performed in the most appropriate way, the spinal and lumbar muscles are strengthened. Strengthening and training these muscles means preventing back pain and suffering much less than those who do not regularly practice squats.

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