The detox diet with fennel

Already in ancient times the fennel plant was considered a panacea for the treatment of digestive problems and for the purification of the body.

Fennel is readily available, easy to grow and goes well with a vast variety of foods. In this guide, I want to illustrate an example of a diet of fennel that you can be of help, for detoxifying, at a time of hardship of the digestive system; for example, after a long period of bingeing or irregular meals.

1.) Fennel is composed, mainly, by water and a variety of vitamins ranging from A to C and from essential oils to which, primarily, are attributed the beneficial effects of fennel. This plant is great for its digestive properties but also anti-inflammatory, especially as regards the colon. And useful when you have intestinal problems related to bloating or when you are affected and the immune system is low. It clear that the diet of fennel must always be accompanied by a correct food habit, namely that of cook light, then a low-fat and avoiding fried. For the rest, here I illustrate an example of a regime based on detoxifying fennel.

2.) For the contribution that fennel gives eliminating air in the digestive tract, thanks to this diet it flattens the tummy, as well as purify. To begin with, we recommend a light breakfast to a glass of milk (preferably soy or low-fat), 4 or 5 slices wholemeal bread wholemeal biscuits, a glass of pineapple juice and a coffee. Fennel comes into play in the snacks: both mid-morning to mid-afternoon a raw fennel is recommended, along with a jar of yogurt that, thanks to the contribution given by lactic acid, helps in detoxification of the digestive tract and in the re-balance intestinal.

3.) As for the main meals, it is recommended to prefer carbohydrates and protein for lunch and dinner. Better to consume more and the fennel raw, so that they are as light as possible. Lunch is advisable to prepare a plate of pasta, preferably whole-wheat flour, seasonings with little complex, with little oil. It is advisable to accompany the dish with the chopped fennel raw, like slices of bread. It is advisable to eat fruit and drink between meals, so that you do not favor the abdominal swelling. For dinner, alternatively, fennel, boiled with other vegetables such as potatoes or carrots, may be an excellent dressing for a slice of grilled white meat or oily fish. Replace bread with fennel raw not only helps in purifying action but also, possibly, action slimming!

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