The importance of water in the diet

Water is a chemical compound formed by two hydrogen atoms and one of the oxygen (H2O). Water is the only food that has zero calories.
For food, we mean all those substances which are edible, have organoleptic characteristics, which comply, which contain at least one nutrient and that do not contain poisonous substances or toxic to the body. It is very fair to know the importance of water in the diet and nutrition everyday.
1.) The water we drink is mineral and is classified depending on its fixed residue, which may be less than 50 mg / l (slightly mineralized waters), between 50 and 500 mg / l (mineral waters) or greater than 1500 mg / l (rich in minerals). Water makes up our body and the body more important and that is why in our diet and diet. We’ll have to drink at least two liters of water a day to stay in shape. Of these at least two liters, a liter should be drunk before lunch as it is in the morning the best time of day to remove toxins. Water is also crucial in older people, even with greater respect. After a certain age, we forget about drinking and no longer feel thirsty as younger. And that’s why older people should enter the water intake as a daily recommendation, not forget it and drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
2.) Often during the day, we do not drink much and just let the water at meals accompany us. But this way of drinking is not correct. It would be better to drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal and a glass half-hour later, letting the acids and enzymes found in our bodies implement digestion. A glass of water with meals is fine, but no more. The constant hydration of our bodies is very important both for internal processes for the beauty and skin health. Do not just get up would do very well to drink a glass of water with lemon juice, always to hydrate and eliminate toxins.
3.) The fiber (soluble) is very important for our body and assuming no water is almost useless, while taking it with plenty of water before meals allows to create a film on the intestinal wall which acts as a protector for the fats that are deleted and not so absorbed.