The perfect breakfast

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it meets 15-20% of the daily caloric requirement, roughly as many as 300 calories.
Unfortunately sometimes every morning for the rush to go to work or other commitments, the breakfast is reduced or skipped. For the uninitiated skipping breakfast is a good way to gain weight because, avoiding it, you get hungry for lunch, and then you may eat twice, taking many more calories than we would have taken if we had successfully taken steps to make the breakfast.
It is important to remember every day to never skip breakfast, because it mainly gives us, the energy needed to start the day. The secret is to prepare ” perfect breakfast “.
1.) A balanced and fair breakfast expected to assume specific foods among which are: yogurt or milk, because they contain calcium and protein as well as strengthen our bones help prevent the fatigue that many happen to perceive during the day, some people even already in the early morning. Another very important food is a fruit, rich in minerals, fiber and vitamins. Finally, among the most important foods to be taken every morning, we find the bread rich in carbohydrates, grains (including grains) and biscuits; these will help us to give our body the ‘energy that will accompany us throughout the day.
2.) To help in the proper preparation of your first meal of the day will teach you an example of how to prepare a perfect breakfast. The ideal is to make a cup of low-fat milk (around 250/280 ml), or a cup of coffee without sugar, a squeeze of a seasonal fruit of your choice, 4 or 5 slices wholemeal bread or 30 g of biscuits, possibly these integrals. If you want you can also add to your breakfast a teaspoon of honey smeared on toast or in milk instead of sugar.
3.) Breakfast, I have just suggested will provide the right amount calories, about 270/280 kcal. But the most important thing is that you assume all the necessary food, namely proteins, carbohydrates and minerals, which will not go to take a cooked breakfast at the bar, which will give you roughly the same calorie intake, but it will be only high in fat and will certainly be not good for your health. So remember these simple rules, and I hope that you will follow my advice so you can start each morning with a gear to tackle your day always taking care of your body.