The muscle ” large media ” plays a key role in the stabilization of the patella during movements of extension and flexion of our leg. So it’s important to keep training this muscle, to avoid any knee problems.
The extensive media: Our quadriceps is divided into many different sizes and power beams. One of those often less tonic is the medial ” large muscle “, often overlooked and not trained by sportsmen. The extensive media has a crucial role in stabilizing the knee patella, so keep this target muscle. It prevents to avoid future problems to the stability of our knees.
How to train it: there are various exercises to train this muscle ” hard ” our quadriceps, the leg extension, leg presses and squats light. The leg exstention: is one of the best exercises to develop this muscle bundle without overloading the joint.
Make at least 3 series with an average load and during the execution turn toes outwards and only carry out the final degrees of extension, this will greatly increase the stress on the affected area.
Leg press : practicing the leg press avoiding the last degrees of the bending stage, thus making the vastus medialis works much more than the full movement. Even in this case, as for the previous year vary the exercise of performing repetitions with the toes turned outward, working much more on the beam concerned quadriceps.
Squat is one of the most difficult exercises, but very effective to train the vast media. In case of problems in the joints, avoid this exercise or at most do so with low loads, and avoiding too much flex the legs in the descent phase.