Vitamin C: Functions and food sources

Vitamin C is essential for our body. Especially in winter, when our body is more prone and exposed to influences, illnesses and colds, vitamin C plays a key role in helping our bodies and our antibodies to cope with the virus.

Assume Vitamin C in the form of fruit and in particular, with oranges, tangerines, carrots. In this guide, we will see what are the functions and the main dietary sources of vitamin C. It is very important to know this topic so that we can be ready, in case we had to feel our body very weak and at risk influence. Read the guide reported in a few steps to know which fruits and vegetables, which take to help.

1.) Vitamin C, or also called ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin which must necessarily be introduced in our body from the outside, since man is not able to synthesize it individually. You need a continuous supply of it because its functions are really essential for our body. One of the main functions of ascorbic acid regards the formation and maintenance of connective material.

2.) In doing so, this vitamin helps the healing of wounds or fractures. In addition, the regular intake of ascorbic acid, can prevent and cure scurvy, a disease due to their lack of it. Other functions include the treatment of anemia, infections in the urine, the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the bone marrow, the prevention and treatment of flu and delay cellular aging, as well as stress.

3.) As with everything you have to be careful not to exceed in its recruitment but also not be lacking. An excess of vitamin C can cause diarrhea, kidney stones and even miscarriages. The lack of it can lead to heart attacks, stroke, muscle degeneration and flu more frequently. The recommended daily dose is around 200 mg.

4.) Particularly rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries and melons. Not only contained mainly in fruits but also contain vegetables like peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and all green leafy vegetables. It is important to know that the freshness and the intake of these foods raw is an indication of high levels of vitamin C content in them, so the more fresh and less will be cooked and the greater the amount present in them.

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