How to warm up the muscles before exercise

Heating is a very important component of the sport. The warm-up exercises are very important, because it can help you avoid muscle problems or joint problems, and at the same time also enhance the success of the same workout.

It’s common knowledge that a heated body responds much better to training stimuli, since the muscle fibers are sprayed with blood and well prepared to work. As a result is considered a suitable method for preventing accidents, thanks to the increase of the elasticity of the muscles and tendons.

The increase in temperature also has a significant positive effect on muscle strength and power: improves joint mobility, reactivity and the rate of development of force. This phase prepares the body for strenuous physical activity, improving the metabolic properties of muscle.

The physiological preparation to training also leads to increased mental alertness. If you follow this guide through the steps, I will explain how warm the muscles before exercise.

Note : At the end of training, if you can, make new stretching possibly with soft music playing in the background. It will make you relax even more.
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