What not to eat in case of high cholesterol

What is cholesterol? And one of the first principal components of the membrane of our cells, and occurs naturally in the human body.

It is a lipid produced mainly by the liver, with important functions, such as the production of hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, vitamin D important for bone health, and bile salts that are used for intestinal organ absorption of fats introduced with food.

1.) How circulates in the blood? The Voyage of the cholesterol in the bloodstream is accompanied by details of the substances that allow the circulation, lipoproteins. There are two main types of lipoproteins: LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) or low density and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) or high density. The first produce a negative effect on our body because it favors the phenomenon of atherosclerosis, which narrows the lumen of the arteries and it hardens the walls, and that may pose a risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. HDL are beneficial, having a function of ” artery cleaner “, returning to the liver excess fat. You hear them speaking often of ” good ” cholesterol, or ” bad “, but these definitions are improper, having cholesterol always the same composition, what changes is instead the type of lipoprotein which it is associated.

2.) What is the high cholesterol? And the condition in which they are subjects with values ​​of cholesterol in the blood are too high, especially LDL, so have a higher risk of formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The increases in the presence of cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia. How is it treated? Needless to say, in the case of hypercholesterolemia important, the doctor will prescribe any drug therapy, mainly composed of statins, but in each case a concrete aid is given by a healthy lifestyle, which includes smoking cessation, movement physical, weight control and proper nutrition.

3.) There are more appropriate foods, like vegetables, especially whole grains, legumes, and others that would be preferable to limit or even eliminate from the diet. The main foods are enemies of the arteries: cakes and ice cream made with butter and cream; whole milk and yogurt; especially aged cheeses; particularly fatty meats such as salami, bacon, sausage; ham you can eat, making sure to deprive him of the visible fat; condiments different from olive oil, such as butter, margarine, lard and lard. It also referred not to overdo the seasoned bread and dairy products such as crackers and breadsticks, fatty meats and offal and shellfish, but also the egg yolk. The cuts of lean meat such as chicken, turkey, veal, and fish, especially the blue, can be consumed safely, while the seasonings can be effectively replaced by spices and herbs low in calories and no fat.

4.) A speech deserves dried fruit, very rich in lipids, but rehabilitated by recent studies have shown that, especially walnuts and hazelnuts, an aid in the reduction of LDL to HDL favor, so we can also grant us this whim but always in small quantities, being strongly calorie foods. A useful suggestion is also to limit as much as possible to the food to be fast-food. We do not know the types of fats used for cooking and seasoning. It is very important the preparation of the foods that we eat a fried product is certainly less healthy than a dish boiled or steamed. In conclusion, we can say that a diet high in fiber and low in fat, especially saturated, and with a controlled intake of sugars is definitely beneficial for those suffering from high cholesterol, but also to prevent it in healthy subjects and may even be tasty and satisfying.

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